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Trick Score

Scored by declarer’s side if the contract is fulfilled.

If Trumps are:
For each odd trick bid and made
Undoubled 20 20 30 30
Doubled 40 40 60 60
Redoubled 80 80 120 120

At a No-trump Contract

For first odd trick bid and made

Undoubled 40
Doubled 80
Redoubled 160

For each additional odd trick

Undoubled 30
Doubled 60
Redoubled 120

A trick score of 100 points or more, made on one board, is GAME.

A trick score of less than 100 points is a PARTSCORE.

Premium Score

Scored by declarer’s side


For making a slam Not Vulnerable Vulnerable
Small Slam (12 tricks) bid and made 500 750
Grand Slam (all 13 tricks) bid and made 1000 1500


For each Not Vulnerable Vulnerable
(tricks made in excess of contract)
Undoubled Trick Value Trick Value
Doubled 100 200
Redoubled 200 400

Premiums for Game, Partscore, Fulfilling Contract

For making GAME vulnerable 500
For making GAME, not vulnerable 300
For making any PARTSCORE 50
For making any doubled, but not redoubled contract 50
For making any redoubled contract 100

Undertrick Penalties

Scored by declarer’s opponents if the contract is not fulfilled


Tricks by which declarer falls short of the contract

For first undertrick Not Vulnerable Vulnerable
Undoubled 50 100
Doubled 100 200
Redoubled 200 400
For each additional undertrick Not Vulnerable Vulnerable
Undoubled 50 100
Doubled 200 300
Redoubled 400 600
Bonus for the fourth and each subsequent undertrick Not Vulnerable Vulnerable/td>
Undoubled 0 0
Doubled 100 0
Redoubled 200 0

If all four players pass (see Law 22) each side enters a zero score.